New Release: Memory’s Edge 2

It’s taken me years longer (literally) than I planned to finish this book and get it published, but it’s finally available! The second part of the Memory’s Edge Duet completes the series!

Memory’s Edge Series


Most people only have one life-changing experience, but John and Gretchen are on round two of having their lives sent into utter chaos.

After a year of living with Gretchen after being attacked and left for dead with no memory of his former life, John’s memory returns when his wife and children find him. Leaving Gretchen weeks before their planned wedding breaks both their hearts. Being reunited with his family is a balm to that loss, but John quickly realizes the old adage that you can never go home again is even truer when you still don’t remember huge sections of your former life. A spotty memory compounds family infighting, a risk of financial ruin, and having no idea how to step back into a marriage that is complicated by his lingering love for Gretchen.

Even though Gretchen was the one to release John and step aside, going home to her friends and family and the curiosity and pity of an entire community quickly overwhelms her. Friend and neighbor Carl has been in love with Gretchen nearly since the day they met. She knows he would be more than willing to help her forget the pain of losing John, but diving into a new relationship is the last thing Gretchen needs. Feeling lost, broken, and confused leaves Gretchen floundering to figure out how to move on.

As they both face starting over, again, the pull to fall back into the familiarity of each other’s arms weighs heavily against facing the struggle to move forward.

Memorys Edge Maybes

Excerpt: Memory’s Edge Part 2

Before I move on to the next themed blog series, now that I’ve finished the Marketing Primer series, I thought I’d share an excerpt from Memory’s Edge: Part 2. This is the book I’m currently working on hoping to finish in the next month.

By the time lunch finally arrived, Gretchen was exhausted on every level. She only dragged herself out of her chair to lock the door. Before she could accomplish the task, she saw Desi sprinting down the hall and opened the door for her. Her friend crashed into her, throwing her arms around her and squeezing her hard enough to hurt.

“I am so mad at you! You know that, right?” Desi demanded when she finally pulled back. “I called and called and called!”

Yanking her friend into the classroom, Gretchen locked the door behind her and headed for her desk. Desi plopped down on top of a nearby student desk and glared at her friend. Gretchen collapsed in her seat. “I want to say I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t face talking to anyone.”

“I was so worried about you! John too! It was like I suddenly lost you both!” Her hands flew up dramatically. “How could you do that to me?”

Seeing the tears in her friend’s eyes broke Gretchen down. “I’m sorry, Desi. I know it wasn’t fair, but I just couldn’t. I still haven’t talked to my parents, either. I couldn’t even go home.”

Desi huffed. “Thank goodness Carl at least had sense enough to let everyone know you hadn’t gone off the deep end. I would have banged down your door if he hadn’t texted to say you were alive and as emotionally stable as could be expected.”

“If you had tried to bang down my door, you still wouldn’t have found me.”

Seeming a little surprised by that, Desi asked, “You’re still staying at Carl’s?”

Gretchen looked away from her friend. “Do you remember what the inside of my house looked like before we left for New York?”

Desi sighed as realization set in. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I hadn’t considered all the wedding prep scattered everywhere. Of course you didn’t want to go home to that.” She reached forward and squeezed Gretchen’s hand. “Have you heard from John yet?”

Looking up at her, Gretchen stared in confusion. “Why would I? He’s not coming back. He has his old life back now.”

“Yeah,” Desi said, “but what about all the wedding stuff, the catering business, his clothes and things, everything he left behind.”

Blinking away tears, Gretchen said, “It’s not like he needs any of it now, and I’ll deal with the wedding stuff eventually on my own. It’s not his problem anymore.”

Wincing, Desi asked, “So you looked him up too?”

She didn’t want to admit it, but Gretchen nodded. “I can’t even comprehend how much money he and Corey have. There’s nothing he left behind that he can’t buy again.”

“Except you.”

Gretchen glared at her friend. “It was the right choice.”

Propping her elbow on the desk, Desi dropped her chin into her palm. “I know, honey, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be hurt by his choice.”

“It was my choice as much as his. I’m the one who said goodbye and left the stage.”

“Because you knew what choice he had to make and did it for him so he didn’t have to.”

“It was the right choice,” Gretchen whispered as tears spilled down her cheeks.

Practically laying herself out across the desk, Desi ignored the fact that she was wearing a skirt and hugged her friend fiercely. “Sometimes right choices hurt worse than wrong ones.”

Gretchen clung to her friend for several long minutes before finding enough strength to pull back. “Thank you.”

She smiled and sat back up. They were quiet for a long time before Desi spoke again. “It’s going to be so weird without him here. Jake was so upset when he realized John wasn’t coming back.”

Gretchen instantly felt bad for not considering the impact of John’s leaving on anyone else in their life. Desi had gone through several boyfriends while John lived with Gretchen, but he and Jake had become very close over the last several months. Desi cared about him like a brother as well. And her parents…despite Gretchen’s mother warning her about the potential heartbreak loving John would cause, they both adored him and loved him like a son. They must have been as heartbroken over losing him as they were knowing she was hurting over the loss.

“I need to call my parents when I get home,” Gretchen said tearfully.

Desi smiled sadly. “We’re all going to miss him. I know it’s not the same for us as it is for you, but we do understand some of what you’re going through. Stay with Carl as long as you need to, but know we’re all here for you, okay? Whatever help you need to sort things out, all you have to do is call.”

Gretchen reached over the desk and hugged her again. “Thank you.”

They pulled back from each other and Desi sighed. “I better get going. I have to prep for my next class. Pottery week…” She shook her head at the impending mess and stood. “Call me later, okay?”

Gretchen nodded and watched her walk out. Another half a day to go. Then two more days until the weekend. Then one more week until spring break. She could last that long. Maybe by then she’d be ready to start putting her life back together.

Memory’s Edge Pre-Order

ME preorder 99It’s taken me a long, long time to finally get around to cleaning this book up and putting it out there, but Memory’s Edge is finally up for pre-order and will release on Kindle and #KindleUnlimited on August 21st!

Can’t wait to share this one with all my readers!!

Memorys Edge FULL WRAP

Pre-Order now for only $0.99

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Book Cover: Memory’s Edge

Coming Summer 2016

Gretchen brought her car to a screeching halt in the middle of the highway, terrified she had just killed someone. The body lying on the road appeared so suddenly, she barely had time to hit the brakes. Luckily, she stopped short of him. Unluckily, someone else hadn’t. Her call for help may have saved his life, but the damage done may be impossible to repair.

Waking with no memory of who he is or how he ended up a broken mess in the hospital, he has no choice but to rely on his rescuer for help. “John Doe” is his only identity until fragmented memories begin cropping back up. They are only fleeting images of a woman, but John hides even that from Gretchen, afraid it will lead him back home and away from the woman he is quickly falling in love with.

Memorys Edge FRONT


Memorys Edge FULL WRAP.jpg

Here Come the Sharks!!



THE ONLY SHARK IN THE SEA by DelSheree Gladden
Vance Sullivan has always been the rock everyone turns to for help…
His work with patients recovering from traumatic events makes him the perfect person to help his friend, Guy Saint Laurent, with one of his Date Shark appointments. When Vance meets hesitant, frightened Natalie Price, he suspects she’s hiding the truth behind her fears, and he’s drawn in by a need to help her.
Haunted by a terrible event from her past, Natalie can’t even endure being touched without suffering a crippling panic attack… 
She doesn’t know why, but Natalie feels Vance might be the only one who can help her put the pieces of her life back together. Despite the tension their arrangement causes with his girlfriend, their bi-weekly sessions seem to be helping…as long as he keeps his promise not to push her to reveal more than she’s ready to share.
Suddenly the tables have turned…
When Vance suffers his own unspeakable tragedy, asking for help is the last thing he wants to do. Drowning in grief and guilt, crushed by betrayal and lies, Vance needs a lifeline.
Natalie has no idea why anyone thinks she can help him, given her own deep-rooted fears—but she knows she has to try.
A twisted notion of justice makes the danger all too real, 
and Vance and Natalie realize it might take one broken soul to mend another…

Available for pre-order on Amazon! 
Read it for free with KINDLE UNLIMITED!
DelSheree Gladden was one of those shy, quiet kids who spent more time reading than talking. Literally. She didn’t speak a single word for the first three months of preschool, but she had already taught herself to read. Her fascination with reading led to many hours spent in the library and bookstores, and eventually to writing.
She wrote her first novel when she was sixteen years old, but spent ten years rewriting and perfecting it before having it published.
Native to New Mexico, DelSheree and her husband spent several years in Colorado for college and work before moving back home to be near family again. Their two children love having their seventeen cousins close by. When not writing, you can find DelSheree reading, painting, sewing and trying not to get bitten by small children in her work as a dental hygienist.
DelSheree has several bestselling young adult urban fantasy series, and her first contemporary romance, Date Shark, will be released with Limitless Publishing in 2014.

Wordless Wednesday: Memory’s Edge

I’ve been making plans recently about what to do with Memory’s Edge, whether to publish part one in the near future or hold back until part two is ready as well, whether to stop part one on a cliffhanger to keep the word count lower or to let it be longer and stick with a more resolute ending point.

I’m still working it out, but my talented sister, photographer and owner of Mystereah Photography is getting me moving by helping me get some unique character photos for the cover art and promo materials and I wanted to give you a sneak peek.

Gretchen and John from Memory's Edge Gretchen and John from Memory's Edge Gretchen and John from Memory's Edge

What do you think?

Release part one and two close together?

Cliffhanger or resolution at the end of part one?

I’d love to hear thoughts from my readers!

#WordlessWednesday: The Only Shark In The Sea

Yes, I’m talking about the Date Shark Series again because that has been my entire writing world for the last 6 weeks or so. Book 3 – The Only Shark In The Sea – was sent to my publisher for editing last week and book 4 – Shark In Troubled Waters – was sent out to beta readers Monday, so both should be out before the end of the year. Exciting!

For now, how about some teasers from The Only Shark In The Sea, featuring Vance Sullivan and Natalie Price.

Feel free to share, pin, or tweet!

Find out more about the series HERE.

Enter to WIN ebook copies of all 3 books in the series HERE.

Shrinks on Parade

Okay, I couldn’t resist the title, but it’s kind of true. All three male MCs in the Date Shark series books are psychiatrists. That’s how they all met, actually. These three became fast friends during their undergraduate classes, and then built their relationship to something pretty close to brothers during medical school and residency. They are there for each other no matter what, and in this series, they definitely need it.

So, let’s get to know them a little better…


business man with hands in his pockets on dark backgroundEli Walsh

The Date Shark concept was originally Eli’s baby. Okay, his obsession, really. It started out innocently enough with a few friends in college asking him for dating advice. That turned into a side business as a dating coach in between classes and exams, but it quickly became much more.

The smothering and harmful influence of Eli’s mother drives his desire to help the often unstable women who seek out his advice. Meeting Leila opens his eyes to the possibility of something more, but it means letting go of the Date Shark business.

While Guy isn’t a big player in this first book, Vance is the voice of reason behind Eli’s developing attraction to Leila. Not the Eli listens to him most of the time, but he’s there all the same.


man in leather jacket is looking away to his side and smilesGuy Saint Laurent

The last thing Guy wants to do is take over Eli’s business, but he’s not one to let down a friend who needs his help. A woman, though? Well, that’s another story entirely.

It isn’t commitment issues or a troubled past that keeps Guy’s relationships with women trivial. He bails as soon as things even hint at serious, not because he’s a jerk, but because he’d rather not lead a woman on when he has no intention of sticking around. He knows he’s hurt the women he dates, but until meeting Charlotte, he’s always rationalized away his behavior.

Charlotte needs his help, whether she’s ready to admit it or not, and even though his dating track record leaves something to be desired, Guy will never let a friend down. Vance and Eli are there to help and support their friend, but only Guy can decide whether Charlotte is worth the sacrifices staying with her will require.


Portrait of businessman on background of office buildingVance Sullivan

He’s been there for his friends when they’ve faced difficult decisions and emotional upheaval. That’s the role Vance is comfortable in. His work with patients who have experienced traumatic events role right into being the strongest leg of their mutual support system. When the tables are turned and suddenly Vance is the one in need of support, accepting it isn’t easy. In fact, it’s the last thing he wants to admit he needs. He’s the strong one, the one who’s life was supposed to be settled and perfect.

When everything comes crashing down around him, the only help he finds himself able to accept comes from the unlikely source of an ex-patient who’s barely holding things together herself. Natalie is desperate to rescue Vance from his grief, but letting her see his scars without causing her more pain than she’s already experienced won’t be an easy task.


All three of my Date Shark guys have their own style of running the business, dealing with life’s problems, and finding out where their strengths truly lie, but all three are will have you looking for your own Date Shark by the end of their stories.

Date Shark and Shark Out Of Water are already available, and the still untitled book three will be out sometime in 2015.

Date Shark (FREE)


Shark Out of Water
