Twin Souls Saga

Twin Souls was my first completed series. It draws on some of the Native American myths and legends I grew up hearing in New Mexico, and adds in a little of my own creativity. This series was inspired by Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series. There really aren’t similarities in the stories, but reading his work made me want to write fantasy. This series actually started out as full-fledged fantasy, but I felt it would work better as urban fantasy and made the switch.

 Twin Souls

Twin Souls Saga, Book 1

Uriah never believed in his tribe’s old stories. When Claire’s life is in danger, he must battle not only ancient myths and legends come to life, but the truth behind the lies he’s been told all his life.

He avoids her because of the strange physical pain he feels when they touch. She avoids him because the way everyone seems to do what he says scares her.

When Claire needs to escape a bad situation, Uriah is her first choice, and he is eager to rescue her. Faced with each other for the first time, both Uriah and Claire find it impossible to listen to their fears and stay away from one another.

They soon find out, though, that there is more than they ever thought possible trying to keep them apart.

When Claire is poisoned by her vindictive father, Uriah’s resolve is tested. Ancient Native American myths and legends spring to life. As they try to keep Uriah from saving Claire’s life, they also begin to reveal the truth behind the lies he has been told all his life.

Shaxoa’s Gift

Twin Souls Saga, Book 2

Uriah thought his battle would be over once he saved Claire’s life, but his search to save their love and uncover the truth of his destiny is nowhere near finished.

After losing Claire to the Twin Soul bond, Uriah intends to seek out the Matwau and let the monster have exactly what he wants…Uriah’s death.

Only the words of the shaman, who has already betrayed him more than once, stops him.

Her promise that there is still a chance of saving Claire from the bond and keeping her love for Uriah whole sends him on a new hunt to find a shaxoa witch who is rumored to have more power and knowledge than anyone has seen in centuries.

No matter the price, Uriah promises to find the Shaxoa and rescue Claire from a fate she doesn’t want.

Claire promises to hold off the cruel desires of the Twin Soul bond until he returns.

Keeping their promises may require more of them than they ever could have imagined.

As Uriah searches for a way to break the bond and Claire’s desperation to resist the bond intensifies, both learn truths about themselves that will change everything.


Twin Souls Saga, Book 3

Uriah and Claire know their fight to be with each other is far from over, but the final battle they must face is one they never expected.

Claire never thought she would be the one saving anybody’s life. She never thought she would discover a secret destiny, either.

Finding Uriah is Claire’s top priority because, without her, he will never be able to defeat the Matwau. To find him, she needs help from the one person she trusts least. Quaile.

Claire needs the book Quaile has kept hidden from the rest of the tribe. Claire desperately hopes it will hold the answers she needs to save Uriah’s life.

The book does hold answers, but not to everything.

Lost memories, acceptance of destiny, and looking outside of reality provide a pathway to the answers they need most, but they also hold the power to break them both.

The prices asked of them may finally be too high. If they are, their deaths will only be the beginning.

Gods & Mortals Box Set

You can also see Twin Souls along with 10 other urban fantasy/mythology novels in the FREE Gods & Mortals Box Set.


Eleven novels with modern humans facing off against heroes, Norse and Greek gods, djinn, and monsters of old … over one million words of divinely (and diabolically) inspired fantasy, adventure, and romance.

Join the freshest voices in urban fantasy and paranormal, New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors, on unique journeys to heaven, hell, and worlds beyond.

Get this heavenly collection of paranormal romance and urban fantasy … before it’s too late!